Seeds of Hunger
Ukraine 1933
Documentary, 68 minutes, 2022
Director: Guillaume Ribot
Written by Antoine Germa and Guillaume Ribot
Original music: Eric Neveux
Gareth Jones, a young Welsh journalist, smuggled into Ukraine in March 1933. The region then experienced a completely unprecedented famine, both in terms of its scale and its causes. This famine kept secret and decided by Stalin is political.
On his return, the journalist alerts the world but lies and Soviet manipulation triumph. This is the story of the power of inquiry and speech against the state apparatus. This is the story of a mass lie and crime.
Awards and festivals:
2023 FIPADOC : Grand Prix for French Documentary. Pessac History Film Festival : High School Jury Award. FOCAL Awards 2023 Shortlisted Nominees: best use of archives, Cinema Feature.
In coproduction with Lobster Films
With the participation of France Télévisions, Public Sénat, CNC, Région Île-de-France, Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, CNRS Images, Ministry of the armed Forces, Procirep-Angoa, Holodomor Research and Education Consortium (CIUS).
International Sales: ZED